Monday, May 21, 2012

Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Vineyard

As the weather gradually warms up and we move into sunny days and summer breeze, I'm drifting into vacation mode and recalling my summers spent on the vineyard and in Nantucket. Nothing makes me think summer more than the vineyard, and nothing make me think vineyard more than JFK, the first president of the US to bring fashion to the White House:

A lot of looks from the 60s are being recycled these days, and classic white chinos and blue polo match can always be spotted on the Sound. Here are some other pieces that scream preppy NE summer to me:

Shorts from Vineyard Vines and American Eagle, Shirts from Thomas Mason for J. Crew, Nautica, and Vineyard Vines, flip-flops from Vineyard Vines, boat shoes from Sebago, chinos from Tommy Hilfiger, needlepoint belts from Smathers & Branson and Tucker Blair, sunglasses from Ray-Ban, bracelets from Miansai by Michael Saiger.
