I think that when talking about fashion the answer is almost always both. Take this throwback craze, dubbed by some the ‘power shoulder.’ Is it a beautiful addition to the human form or a Heathersesque throwback? To me when fashion creates a gut feeling of 'oh my that's neat' it doesn't matter if it's nonsensical or impractical, it has done what any art for should do, and made you react. Take this outfit by designer Gareth Pugh.

Surely very few people would have the guts to sport this on the streets but nobody can deny that there is an art to what Pugh created, not to mention that it's the most powerful of the power shoulders. Fashion isn't always practical or useful, but it is always fun. The ridiculous can inspire the sedate, the ordinary can be vamped up or the extraordinary toned down. Here are some examples of a more sedate shoulder;
So this holiday season have some fun. Not necessarily pertaining to shoulders, we leave judgement of this fad up too you, but do something a little out of the ordinary. Experiment and experience, who knows, you might even have some fun.